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Deliciously Deviled Duck Eggs

The creaminess of duck eggs shines through in these deviled eggs!

Source: (Entered by Deb Willis)
Servings: Serves 3-6
Ingredient keywords: eggs, paprika
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Duck Egg Mayonnaise

A thick, rich and creamy mayonnaise made with a duck egg yolk. And yes, It’s Paleo. You can substitute 1 large chicken egg yolk but will miss out on the incredible flavor and amazing thickness the duck egg gives. Macadamia nut oil is the preferred oil.

If you want yours European style with olive oil, do not use all extra virgin olive oil in this or else you will end up with a bitter tasting mayonnaise. If you want this to be olive oil flavored mix in a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil with avocado oil. This also makes a little over a cup.

If you don’t want to do the whisked version you can try a much easier alternative with an immersion blender, just be sure to use the same ingredients from my recipe and put in all the ingredients at the beginning.

Source: (Entered by Deb Willis)
Servings: 16 tablespoon-size servings
Ingredient keywords: duck
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